Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Where Can I Turn for Peace?

I had a really really hard day today.
So much is going on and I am feeling completely over whelmed.
Court's first day of school.
Tate's too. (I didn't know until we got there to drop Court off)
He said to me, "Mommy I am going to try and be brave" when I tell him he is going to kindergarten in two minutes.
I cried the whole drive home.
My yard needs so much work that even if I wasn't pregnant, I don't know how I could get it all done. Not to mention that I came home to a next door neighbor that put up a fence between our front yards. This is against the rules of our home owners association, and Gentry and I have had talk after talk with them about not wanting it to go in.
I worry about Gentry while I am away. I don't do anything special, but we need each other.
I am feeling a bit hopeless. I think the baby blues (during pregnancy) have hit.
I feel like there is nothing to look foreword too.
It brings to mind the hymn, "Where Can I Turn for Peace" and in it the answer. To the Lord.
I guess I had better get on my knees because I need to feel His love and support.
My hope is tomorrow is a good day for all.


Erwin and Marie said...

Hang in there things will get better and u will get back into a routine. God loves u and will never leave u.

Me said...

I hope tomorrow is better for you!

Mary P.

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

Sorry you're having a rough time. I hope you get feeling better soon. Just know you have friends who love you and are praying for you :)

Kate said...

I'm sorry you had a hard day yesterday! I'm sure you just had to many emotions so close to the surface. I hope that you found comfort in your prayers... :)

Lucy said...

Pregnancy can be so hard. I feel your pain. I have a rough time as well when I am. Hang in there and thanks for sharing.
