Monday, May 24, 2010

And away we go!

This is it!!! The week we move. It is the last week of school for my two boys, both of them have birthdays (Happy Birthday Court and Tate!) I have to meet with the couple that is house sitting for us. We are going to the Planetarium. I planned out options for each day of driving, full of treats, car activities, and movies to watch. I will need to have every stick of clothing washed, folded and put away, along with every piece of linen. My house cleaned. Bills paid. Run to the bank. And I need to be prepared for Dahlia with bottles and diapers.
I have missed Gentry. I get frustrated so easily at him, I wish I didn't. I try to not let it show but I have NEVER been good at covering my emotions. I think being away is what is hard on me. He has never been a big phone conversationalist (I may have just made that word up) and he is eat, sleeping, dreaming about work so we don't talk about anything else. I think of myself as fairly independent, but with five kids I can't just do something on my own, I have to haul everyone with me and I find myself longing for my partner.
I am already missing my mom and dad, ward, house, BED, yard and life back home but also looking foreword to the adventure that lies ahead.
If anyone lives along I-80 and is dying to see me and my gaggle of kids, drop me a line. I would love to have something to do along the way.


Kate said...

If I lived along I-80 I would totally put you all up for a night! I can't even imagine how hard it must be to juggle everything by yourself while your husband is away... I admire you for making it work! And good luck on that long road trip... just remember it won't last forever! :)

Williamson Fam said...

Ahhh your going away for the summer AGAIN? Geez i bet your stoked not to be a single mom for awhile. Raodtrips are fun but only with back-up, good luck with that..We'll miss you around here!

Janae said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel, sister friend. You are a strong lady. Thanks for your sweet comments.
