Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bathroom Talk

OK this may be a little graphic.
I have a five year old boy. I don't know if all five year old boys are this way but I am going to tell you about him.
Tate was potty trained right around three. He hasn't had many accidents through the years, but he does have one MAJOR problem. He likes to play while he pees.
A couple examples:
Sometimes he will leave the seat down and then he tries to "fill it" and get the whole seat as wet as he can.
He will pee on the screws at the back of the toilet and it runs over.
He aims for the trash can sitting next to the toilet and it gets not only all over that, but it also gets all over the wall and floor.
Sometimes he just isn't paying attention and so it just goes where ever. One day he ran in to go and didn't close the door (the next big hurdle) and he just wasn't aiming at all. So I say, "Tate!" and he turns his whole body towards me and says, "What?" "What?!" I say, "you are peeing all over the floor." He turns towards the toilet, making his parts face the toilet too, and looks down. Then turns back to me and says "No. It is in the potty." ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
I have tried talking to him about it, laughing it off, scolding him, threatening him, guilting him... nothing works. Until now, I figured we had better go back to the potty training days. Cheerios on the back of the toilet. He can throw a couple in and try and sink them. I hope it works.
I am just not thinking about the ones he eats before, after, or during the peeing.


Jonathonandaudrey said...

Oh.. that's just kinda nasty :) I don't think I could handle having to clean it.. You are a strong woman!! But I hope it gets better soon.. for your sake :)

WOLF-PACK said...

Good luck! We sit down at our house ;)

Stacy and Justin said...

For some reason that was entertaining to me, thanks for a good laugh! I am sure potty training Jace with be such a JOY! :)

pearson1 said...

That's why I'm all for training them to sit down first--and later then they can learn the "other way". (Of course with my nephew it's the "keep it down" fun).

Good luck!

Mary P.

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

Yeah, let's just hope nobody gets the munchies while taking care of business in there.

You and Tate will laugh so hard about this one day. :)

Spring E. Smith said...

Sean and I haven't laughed that hard for a long time! Thanks for the laugh! Good luck...

Kate said...

This post made me laugh out loud! I made Adam come in so I could read it to him! I'm looking forward to the days with a little boy... but for now, I'm pretty happy with my girl!

Michelle said...

That's pretty funny. I remember my brother use to make a huge mess in the bathroom. My mom finally started making him clean the bathroom. I will say that it might be a while before I potty train Cale.

Unknown said...

That is pretty funny. And yep, my boys still can't get it all in the toilet and they're 8 and 13!

Double D said...

That is so funny and disgusting at the same time. kyle is not as bad, but does have a problem paying attention. He tends to wander and never shuts the door...

Monica Buchanan said...

Boys are disgusting. I can totally relate to this post.
