Saturday, July 19, 2008

Are We Connected?

I recently started a Facebook account. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this sight,
“Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you.”
I found that it connected me with family that lives far away, friends from high school that I haven’t seen or talked to in years, great people from Rhode Island, and other good friends.
I wonder how others think of it. I am new to it so maybe my feelings will change but I am excited to reconnect with old friend. And I really want to reconnect. I don’t want to just see random names on a wall and never see or hear anything more from them. I want to read about their lives and have them see mine. I would love from others to check out my blog and get to know me today, seeing how I have changed and in turn do the same for them. I have fond memories with most of these people and I hope I can even create new ones.
With that in mind, I want to share something that can help you connect with me. So here are some random things.
1. I will NOT watch scary movies. I use to watch them in my younger years, not any more. For me I feel a loss of spirit. I get scared and am uncomfortable for days.
2. My favorite treat is M&M. Peanut is the best. Love almond kinds for holidays and special occasions. Will eat them any time. Trust me when I say they melt in my mouth, never in my hand.
3. I hate running. I know that running and marathons are the new big thing but not for me. I hate to run. I do it, on a tread mill, only because I want to be fit. NOT because I get any kind of pleasure from it. I enjoy the morning swims much more.
4. I have always struggled with reading my scriptures every day. I have never mastered this skill. Don’t get me wrong, I read my scriptures regularly. Just not every single day. I miss a day here and there for one reason or another.
5. I want to travel. This is my biggest desire. To see and experience more of the world.


Kate said...

I remember feeling the same way when I first found facebook, too! I couldn't believe how many people were on there! Some people will write and say hi once, others check in every once in a while to see how things are, and others keep in touch regularly! It definitely takes an effort, but I enjoy it, because it allows me to remember and check up with people from all stages of my life.

I would LOVE to stay in touch! You were my sanity during some of my rough teenage years! I'm sure we've both changed, but hey, when we have important things in common like hating running and scary movies, I don't see how anything can get in the way. :)

Let me know what your email is, and I'll send you an invite to our blog! My email is (still) :)

Unknown said...

Hi April, I just discovered your blog through a comment you made on Nicole's wedding website which I look at via Facebook. I think I met you once or twice back in our teen years! You probably don't remember me but I read your blog and it's really cute! I live in North Carolina now and I also joined Facebook a few months ago. Its a great way to "see" people from far away!!

Emily Ann said...

I didn't know you hated runnning, I guess we learn knew things every day

Joanna said...

I hate scary movies too.... I actually haven't watched one since you guys made me watch "what lies beneath" on Halloween in RI.... never again.

Chris said...

I'm glad you joined facebook! It's great to catch up on what you've been up to.

Also - Scary movies and fast action movies are what get the adrenaline moving in a boring accountants life, almost a necessity to make sure I'm alive. Sad movies on the other hand are a big No-no...I'm a big cry baby and can't stand havin the lump in my throat and choking on tears in front of my wife/kids. The Notebook for example...couldn't look my wife in the eyes for weeks after that bawl session. (J/K) Batman (The Dark Knight) considered scary? I loved it, but I won't take my kids to it...way to scary for them!

April said...

Follow up. No I haven't seen Batman but it seems more like an action then something like What lies Beneath which was the last scary movie that I watched also.
