Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Two words to describe Tate are ALL PERSONALITY. He is a character. When he was born we were so happy to be adding to our family. Courtland was all ready four years old and we had been too many fertility appointments to get pregnant with him. By the time Tate was 18 months we could see why Heavenly Father might have made us wait to have him… he was so difficult. He was and is strong willed, determined, stubborn, defiant, and downright mean sometimes. I remember one time he did something that he wasn’t supposed to. I had tried a number of ways to get his behavior to change with no success, and so I tried another. “Tate” I said pulling him close to me and looking him in the eyes. “Please don’t do that. That hurts my feelings.” He was silent for a moment and then said calmly, “Good.” Now this was not the response I was expecting to get, so I pushed it further. “You want to make Mommy sad? You want me to be unhappy?” His response, “Yep.” Then went on to do what he got in trouble for in the first place. Only this time watching me and making sure I see that he can do whatever he wants and he doesn’t care if I am upset or not. I started crying. I was pregnant at the time, but still. That is just Tate. He is sensitive, loving, helpful, caring, and affectionate. He is always trying to be the center of attention. He talks with adults with no reserve. He always entertains other kids, including babies. He wants to snuggle more than the others. He loves kisses and hugs. When Gentry and I would wrestle, Tate would always “get Daddy” in order to save me. I love Tate so much. He is a middle child and has a middle child personality. Most adults that spend time with him can’t help but fall in love with him. We certainly are glad he is part of our family. He gives our family... More Personality!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

he is adorable! I love how his eyes give away his thoughts!! with just a glare or a glance you know how he feels about things!
