Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hair Troubles

I love red hair. I have always wanted to be red. A couple of years ago I did it and loved it for two weeks, and then it started to dull. My hair dresser told me that since I am a natural “ash blond” it will always be that way for me. We tried a couple different things for a bit but I didn’t like what my hair looked like once it started to fade. So I went back to my dirty blond color.
Here in Charlotte, Kara colors her own hair and it looks great. I thought maybe this was the answer to my problems. I could do it myself. If it started to fade after a couple weeks I would simply color it again and it would only cost my under ten dollars to do so. I could live with that.
These are the results:

this is my before picture



I don't think that I will be doing it again every few weeks. Instead I think I will be looking for my dirty blond color back again.

The whole experience leaves me wondering why do we worry so much about our hair? I know that the way we dress, talk, and look creates an image of who we are to others. But I wonder sometimes, so what? If someone gets the wrong impression of me right now because I have pink hair they will pre-judge me and not give me a second look (or thought) or they will take a moment to get to know me better and then decide if they want to spend more time with me (or not). Either way, I am judging them too. We are all learning here.
I am at a place in my life where I am really convertible with whom I am. I think most people like me, and if they don’t… most of the time I figure oh well. I like who I am. I want to be better, but not because someone else thinks I am lacking, but because I want to improve myself. I hope I am a good friend who is honest with myself and others. I want to be a good mother and wife. I want to be smart. I am working on improving every day.
Today I am working on loving pink hair and I want to get my kids to bed early enough so that we can read for a bit. Maybe even finish Despereaux.


Joanna said...

I think I like it... with your fair skin it totally compliments it. What do the kids think of it?

Emily Ann said...

did you see abby's red hair? it looks like it is the new trend, maybe I will have to follow after you two.... someday

Molly Mormon said...

April you crack me up! It seems we suffer from the same affliction as I too like to try red hair but it never lasts! So jealous you went to Ashville as it's on the list, but I'm not sure when we'll get there. It looks like you're having a great time...who knows you may want to stay.
