Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First edition Book of Mormon For Sale

Did any of you hear about the first-edition Book of Mormon found in a library in Michigan?
They are putting it up for sale because
a) “it doesn't have any specific connection to Muskegon” (Michigan)
b) “ it needs costly protection and security because of its value and frailty and”
c) “it should be more accessible to scholars and researchers and others who would truly value it.”
Others that would truly value it. Reading this hurt my feelings just a little bit. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad that they are selling this book. It is something that should be in the hands of someone who really wants it and will honor it. I just wish that we lived in a time that all would truly value it. This got me thinking, do I TRULY value The Book of Mormon?
I got my own copy of the Book of Mormon when I turned twelve and started Young Women’s. I read through it some and used it on Sundays in lessons but I didn’t read it until I started seminary in 9th grade. I was so lucky to have an amazing seminary teacher who loved the scriptures and tried hard to pass that love on to his students. That year I read The Book of Mormon (mostly) through for the first time. I loved it.
I continued to take my scriptures to and from school almost every day until graduation. I kept hand outs in between the pages and glues in quotes. I marked passages and really beat those scriptures up. I spent a lot of time trying to learn from them and ultimately, really did. But that set of scriptures started falling apart from my lack of care. For my eighteenth birthday I asked from my parents for a new set of scriptures and a nice framed picture of Jesus. The set I got that day, I still use. I read them to my children almost every night. I go to them when I am struggling. I depend on them to bring me the spirit. I pray about prompting that come while studying them. I try and instill values to my children by using example from the Book of Mormon. I hold them dear.
So although I will not be bidding on the first edition BOM that Hackley Library will be selling, I will hold my own copy in my hands and think a little bit more about how much I truly value it.
I think of the MasterCard commercials here.
new BOM for sale today: $24.08
first edition BOM: $70,000
having a testimony of the Book of Mormon: priceless
