Monday, September 8, 2008

House Cleaning in Progress

My house is such a mess right now.
I can’t concentrate. I am so distracted by the mess around me. I can’t seem to get anything else done. I tried to do some laundry, I thought about making something other than a sandwich for lunch but because my house needs to be cleaned so badly I get distracted and start cleaning “just this little area first”.
So today I will spend the day cleaning and wishing I had a maid.
Don’t drop by unannounced today unless you would come in completely unjudgmental and be willing to lend a hand to help.


Kara Simmons. said...

Ya I won't be able to come by today! Darn it!

Monica Buchanan said...

You asked how I have the time to runa dn my answer is "I have no idea". I feel like a crazy tired woman most days and my house is neglected and a mess. Aaaggghhh!

Jen @ Love, the Arthurs said...

I totally know how you feel! Pretty much everyday since we've been home that's all I've been doing -- cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning..oh, and having repair guys come check out all the damage to our stuff! It's been awesome...It's so frustrating feeling like you can't just get it all under control! (I'd be able to get a lot more done though if Ben would let me move things around by myself, but he is worried I will hurt the I have to wait for him to get home...sigh. SO frustrating!) anyway, sorry to leave the longest comment ever, but I just have to say, I totally understand!

Kelly said...

It was good to see you guys at Kayla's wedding. Your kids are adorable! Our blog is then you can just go to Jonathon and Audrey's from there.

Jonathonandaudrey said...

Hey April.. It was nice talking to you to! Your kids are so dang cute and it will be fun to see what some of our family is up to! I'm glad we got eachothers blogs. Jonathon says hello!
