Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obama for President?

I don’t know where you are politically, but let me fill you in on where I am. I don’t feel defined as Republican or Democrat. I have never party voted. I research candidates, where they stand on issues that are important to me and I vote for who I like the best. If I am unfamiliar with the candidates, I don’t vote either way. I just don’t feel good about party voting.

This upcoming presidential election I have become obsessed. It was complete entertainment for me to see the polls close and listen to the results. As of now, I am still undecided as to who I will be voting for.

With the Democratic National Convention being last night I thought today I would talk about Obama. I read Barrack’s book, Dreams From My Father a couple of months ago. I like who he is as a person. I like Michelle. She seems like what she wants the public to believe, like one of us. Some things I like about him are his stance on Technology. He has said: “Let's recruit a new army of teachers, and give them better pay and more support in exchange for more accountability. Let's make college more affordable, and let's invest in scientific research.”
I do not agree with him on Health Care and Tax Reform issues.
Barack Obama choose Joseph Biden to be his running mate announced last Saturday. Biden is from Delaware and is known for his familiarity with foreign policy and for saying some offensive things, even describing Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Going forward, Biden will probably take the roll of critic to McCain and do the “dirty politics” for Obama.
One thing I learned about Biden that made him more human was barely a month after he was elected to the Senate, his family was in a car accident while Christmas shopping with a drunken driver resulted in the death of his wife and daughter. His two sons survived. Biden remarried about five years later to a woman who I think can really help him.
If you are interested in politics and want to learn more, here http://www.barackobama.com/issues/ is a site to read where Obama stands. For now, I am going to continue to read and learn more.


Me said...


Thank you so much for posting this! I do the same as you do--although I haven't had time to read any books (never do). I'm having quite the hard time this year cause there's things I like and don't like about both candidates--really like--and really don't like. Usually I'm not this split. I know a lot will depend upon their running mate...anyway..I have been trying to research through both their websites (which I like to do much more than listen to the one-sided views on any of the news shows--whether left or right), but still don't feel completely confident with either choice. Anyway--I appreciate your review of his book and so forth. It's helpful!

Me said...

sorry--disillusioned is Mary P.
